miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

J5me-Ad5. Prof. Grasso. Writing activity: WORKING WITH PROMPS FROM SONG LYRICS

My story started when I was in high school. I had a friend called Emma. We were very close and spent a lot of time together. With the time, I realized that I was falling in love with her, but I preferred to keep it as a secret because I thought “I am going to miss her if she learns about this”. I told my problem to a friend of mine and he said “silence is golden”, so I decided not to say anything.

But I was very sad and I had no idea how to manage the situation. I thought of following her wherever she were. One day, I went to a bar- obviously following her- and I saw her with another guy. That killed me but nobody could see me looking through the glass. At that moment I thought “How I’m gonna do this?” How am I gonna forget her?

The following day in the school cafeteria she tried to talk to me and I said “I’ll talk when I want to”. She looked at me in a weird way and left. Eventually I stopped seeing her at school, and one afternoon I heard that she was in hospital. I called her family immediately and her parents confirmed the rumour. I went to the Hospital immediately, but the doctor told me “Sorry, there’s nothing I can do, She’s gone”. I started to cry. Suddenly I stopped and thought “no more tears, if I had a gun…” 
(Paulina & Pilar)     

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