miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Big Fish - Moview Review

Have you seen  the movie Big Fish trailer?

Juniors 6A is reviewing Big Fish for Juniors 6C.
Read the comments below. 
No spoilers, we promise!

What's your favourite TV series?

Unsure what series to watch next?

Find mini reviews of the series our students are watching 
in the comments below and decide!


Booktube is a small community in Youtube that has exploded during these past few years. It is a place in which passionate readers, called Booktubers, upload videos in which they film themselves discussing their favorite books, among other bookish activities. 

Booktube is a place where people share and talk about what they have been reading recently, as well as connect with other avid readers.

Juniors 6 and 7 this year are making audio booktubes to get other classes excited about the stories they have to read. 

Find the links in the comments below to see if they work for you too ;) We've only just started. Feel free to join our project!

Making friends with other English learners around the world

Juniors 1 A and B participated in an e-card exchange with a school from Italy and Russia. It's very motivating for students (and it's not that complicated for teachers ☺ 
Read in the comments about our students and their students and get on board!

Mystery Skype session

Mystery Skype is the global guessing game that gets kids learning about geography, culture, and the similarities and differences of how children live all over the world.

Juniors 7A were the first class EVER in the history of our School to participate in a Mystery Skype session. 

It was a lot of fun and we highly recommend it. Here are some comments from our students and the "mystery" students. Read and get on board!